SinceNovember 2018 GOIZPER is participating in the Sharework project. A newtechnology integrated by different software and hardware modules that allowcobots* to physically interact with humans within a collaborativeproduction environment.
In theassembly process, there are some repetitive operations that require a big forcefrom the operator. These operations, performed by the operator, sometimes arenot carried out in an optimal position. Besides, some operators complain aboutback discomfort due to these operations.
Thanks tothe Sharework project robotics improve operators’ ergonomics while increasingproductivity by handing the most repetitive movements to Collaborative Robots(cobots) that assist workers in a shared space.
Inaddition, flexibility has always been a priority for Goizper which usuallymakes assembly processes quite manual. Currently cobots help operators in somespecific tasks which allows the same flexibility in an easier way.
*Cobos:cobots are robots intended for direct human robot interaction within a sharedspace or where humans and robots are in close proximity.